Feeling Lonely? Unpack the real reasons behind loneliness

Feeling Lonely?

“Growing old is not for sissies. You fight to hold onto your strength, your beauty, your teeth, your happiness—and the irony is that it’s that very fight that makes you shine.”

Ever found yourself thinking, I’m pretty lonely? Well, you’re not alone in that. Loneliness is something heaps of us go through, no matter our age or life situation. It’s like, one minute you’re feeling alright, and the next, you’re wondering why you’re feeling so out of sync with everyone. This page is all about those moments when you reckon, I’m so lonely, or when you’re feeling a bit cut off from the world. We’re diving into what makes us feel this way and what’s behind that gnawing sense of being on your own.

Whether it’s a short-term thing or you’re always thinking, man, I feel lonely all the time, recognising it is the first step. We’re going to look at everything from feeling a tad sad and lonely to why it seems tougher to connect as we get older, like what’s up with social isolation in older adults and why it hits hard.

We’ve all been there, feeling like we’re the only one at a party who’s not vibing or noticing how quiet it gets when you’re the only one at home. But let’s crack into this together. This section’s all about getting why we feel lonely and spotting the things that might be making it worse. It’s for anyone who’s ever felt a bit on the outer, whether you’re young and surrounded by mates but still feeling alone, or you’re getting on in years and the silence is becoming a bit too familiar.

Stick around as we unpack the feels and the whys of feeling lonely, with a bit of a yarn on how we can all find our way back to feeling part of the crowd. Remember, it’s normal to feel this way sometimes, but there’s always a way through it. Let’s tackle this together, kiwi style.

Getting to the Heart of Loneliness in Our Later Years

“As we grow older, we must discipline ourselves to continue expanding, broadening, learning, keeping out minds active and open.”

When it comes to feeling a bit lonely in our golden years, it’s not just about having fewer people around. There’s a whole mix of reasons why we might start feeling more on our own. Let’s dive into some of the main culprits behind feeling lonely and see if we can’t shine a light on them.

Health Challenges

As we rack up the birthdays, our health can start throwing us curveballs – everything from niggling aches to more serious stuff that can keep us from getting out and about like we used to. Health issues can make it tough to keep up with the social activities we love, leaving us feeling a bit isolated.

Mobility and Accessibility

Speaking of getting out and about, sometimes it’s our legs or our eyesight that aren’t quite keeping up with our social butterfly ambitions. When it’s a mission to leave the house because of mobility issues or transport’s a hassle, it’s easy to end up spending too much time solo.

Retirement and Loss of Social Roles

Hanging up our work boots means more time for hobbies and leisure, right? Sure, but retirement also means losing a big chunk of our social network and the daily banter and camaraderie that comes with it. Finding ourselves without a defined role can leave us questioning where we fit into the mix, contributing to feelings of isolation.

Changes in Family Dynamics

Our whānau (family) structures change as we and those around us age. Kids grow up and move away; we might lose our partners or friends. These shifts can leave a big gap in our support network and day-to-day interactions, leading to that lonely feeling creeping in.

Digital Divide

In a world that’s increasingly online, not being up to speed with the latest tech can make us feel left out. Whether it’s missing family photos on social media or not knowing how to set up a video call, feeling out of the loop digitally can amplify feelings of isolation.

Societal Attitudes

Sometimes, it feels like society’s just not geared up to include older folks in the conversation. Ageism, or feeling undervalued because of our age, can make us feel invisible and disconnected from the community around us.

Understanding these causes is key to tackling loneliness. It’s not just about filling our calendar; it’s about addressing these bigger issues so we can feel connected and valued at any age. Stick around and click here, because here we look at ways to combat these feelings of loneliness and get back to feeling part of the gang.